Simple Strategies to Get Your Home Sold!

First, let me tell you the bad news. As of July 2020, in the Metro Atlanta Real Estate market- a seller’s market with very low inventory and incredibly low interest rates, nearly 30% of homes that get listed for sale, FAIL TO SELL! That’s right. 3 out of 10 homes that go on the market do not sell.
Now for the good news. It is possible to sell your home, even if it failed to sell in the past.
Let’s talk football. Anyone who knows me will be shocked to hear that I am talking about football. In all reality, I don’t give a rat’s patootie about football. What I do appreciate is strategy!
Vince Lombardi, the famed Green Bay Packer’s coach, took a losing team to a force of nature, ultimately winning five NFL championships. So how did he do it and what the heck does that have to so with selling my house?
Quite simply, Vince Lombardi did not use innovative and tricky strategies to turn his team around. He did just the opposite! He went back to the basics with his team. In fact, he went so far back that he taught his team every single basic of the game. Including what the lines on the field were for.
And that helps me sell my house how? Using Lombardi’s principle of going back to the basics, we can make sure that your house has all the right basics in place to get the job done.
Time is valuable. Most buyers won’t waste a second on a listing that hasn’t mastered the basics. In fact, most agents won’t send buyers listings that don’t have the basics in place because they don’t want to waste their time or their client’s time with a house that isn’t ready for the market.
1. Improve the marketing. Take better photos and videos. Visually tell the story of the home appealing to buyers. Write better descriptions focusing on the unique selling features of your home. Performing an in-depth market analysis on your home, identifying missed opportunities, and pricing it right to compete in the market and sell for the highest amount of money in the shortest amount of time possible.
2. Solve any Problems Holding Back the Sale. A good agent can identify problems and solve them even before a house is on the market whether it is a repair that needs to be done, a simple fix or even title issues. Solving these problems sets you up for success!
3. Improve the Showing Condition of the Home. Doing the work up front- making sure the home is clean, in good repair and staged increase the amount of money you can sell it for, attracts more buyers, and sells in a shorter amount of time.
Bottom line, getting back to the basics is the smart thing to do. It gets results. There is no magic formula, but if you hire the right agent, willing to work hard up-front, you will see results.
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